News Details

The Lebialem Cultural and Development Association (LECDA) in Calgary received the sum of CAD$43,500 from the Federal Government’s Supporting Black Canadian Initiative (SBCCI) program through the African Centre. The funds were used to finance a capacity building program, which included six training workshops for both board and non-board members of LECDA.
In the last month, there have been a couple of key activities that have been done and functions attended that both continue to build our reputation as well as build on our commitment to a high level of communication to our partners.

Board Governance(held in Calgary Alberta)

This event, the first of 6 that we attend saw a total, 49 individuals benefited from these training sessions in some way. LECDA expressed its gratitude to the Federal Government for the enriching and supporting training. Board members and non-board members that attended benefited greatly.

Audit Assurance &Bookkeeping Calgary (Alberta July 29-30 2022)

The sessions were enriching with series of break up room exercises. The Lebialem Cultural and Development Association (LECDA) in Calgary received numerous benefits after its board and non-board members attended a workshop on “Audit, Assurance and Bookkeeping”
By attending these workshops, LECDA’s members gained a better understanding of financial management including bookkeeping and budgeting. Participants also learned about best practices for conducting audit and gaining assurance over financial information. This knowledge has helped LECDA to improve its financial reporting and accountability, resulting in increased transparency and credibility with stakeholders. The workshop helped LECDA to identify and mitigate a potential financial risks and develop more effective financial management strategies, ultimately strengthening LECDA overall financial health.

Benefits of these workshops(Feedback from Members)

Members that attended these seminars and workshops on different aspects of board governance and control gained a variety of benefits, including improved understanding of their roles and responsibilities as board members, increased knowledge of legal and financial obligations, and enhanced leadership practices, including developing mission statements, creating effective board policies, and strategic planning. Participants also gained insights into best practices for conducting board meetings, managing conflict, and engaging with community members. By attending these sessions, LECDA is better equipped to embrace the future.

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